FedEx shipment:
It takes 2-3 working days for priority FedEx shipment from Shenzhen to USA or Canada.
It takes about 3 working days for priority FedEx shipment from Shenzhen to Australia
It takes 2-4 working days for priority FedEx shipment from Shenzhen to Europe.
It takes about 4 working days for economy FedEx from Shenzhen to USA or Canada.
It takes about 4-5 working days for economy FedEx from Shenzhen to Australia or Europe.
Sea shipment:
It depends on where we ship.
Shenzhen - Long Beach USA estimate: 14 days
Shenzhen - New York USA estimate: 28 days
Shenzhen – Miami USA estimate: 30 days
Shenzhen – Vancouver Canada estimate: 16 days
Shenzhen – Toronto /Montreal Canada estimate: 18 days
Shenzhen – Sydney Australia estimate: 15 days
Shenzhen – Melbourne Australia estimate: 18 days
Shenzhen –Brisbane Australia estimate: 20 days
Shenzhen – Le Havre France estimate: 30 days
Shenzhen – London UK estimate: 30 days
Shenzhen –Rotterdam Netherlands estimate: 30 days